GPS code:

Latitude, Longitude 51.228298, 8.560701

N 51° 13.6979´

E 008° 33.6421´

Navigation system

Please note, that you take Grönebach in Nordrheinwestfalen (NRW).

Arrival by train

Take the train to Olsberg (Nordrheinwestfalen) and from there continue by bus S30 to Grönebach. The bus departs from the station every hour to Grönebach.

In Grönebach, the bus stop is diagonally opposite Bed & Breakfast Isidorus.

By car

With the map below, the route to our Bed & Breakfast can be determined. You do this by clicking on ‘route’ and then entering your own address, city and country.

Google Maps navigation

Via the button below, you can immediately navigate using Google Maps.